
  An administrator must continuously work on how to increase achievement and productivity.  

         If the leader of the school is technologically advanced then they will have the knowledge to lead the school forward. They will be able to implement technology in the school so that student achievement rises. Teachers will be held accountable for using technology in the classroom as a learning tool and as a line of communication. The community will feel more involved because they can check in on the school through the updated website, blog or any other avenue the principal uses to keep the public informed. It is an administrator’s job to lead the school forward.
            Utilizing technology can also help productivity. Administrators who are current with technology will know applications that will save them time daily. They can use igoogle, surveymonkey or several other sites that are timesavers.  As a leader it is extremely important to stay informed. An administrator already has enough to do they should take advantage of the tools that are out there. This will help them save time and focus on more important things.  

     Using online applications will help any administrator communicate or update several people at once. This will help prevent misunderstandings and will help others stay up to date on what is going on within the school. Principals could have a blog on their website where they can write about things that are going on or events that have already happened. It is nice to have applications connected. You could have a YouTube video uploaded on the website, links to surveys you may be conducting and so many other tools are available for people to use. This is a great way to stay connected with community members, staff and parents. It will help administrator’s accountability because information will always be available for the public to see. In the photo below you will see some of the most common cloud computing companies. 


Technology Integration and Achievment of Future Goals

There once was a time when you would see kids reading books, playing board games and blasting the music. However, as technology advances these things seem to slowly become a thing of the past. Today you see kids with headphones on, playing handheld videogames and reading books on kindles. As an educator it is our responsibility to keep up with the times and integrate technology in the classroom. With the lack of funding some school districts are struggling with this. In the Lansing School District we have some schools with fully functional computer labs and promethean boards in every room and in other schools there is a serious need for working computers. It is sad to see such a drastic difference throughout the district but with the budget getting worse I imagine this problem will too.
As an educator I utilize every bit of technology I have available. This year I have had my students write and type out their own books. I found it interesting when I read TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING?  by Bonnie Thone Boylan. She wrote:
 When students in the younger grades use computers for research, which is often its purpose, much time is wasted sifting through the numerous websites for the one that offers the most relevant information.
My students are currently working on a research project. However, I am aware of the time wasted by students shifting through various sites so I gave them approved websites to gather information. As they get information we have used to create graphic organizers. When they are completely done with their reports they will create a slideshow with a quiz at the end to share with the class using I also am lucky enough to be in a school with promethean boards. I use my promethean board every day. We often go to to review for the next lesson. During centers I have students use sites like, and
I believe it is my job as an educator to teach students about technology. While some people may think that time is wasted through the use of technology I believe any teacher can utilize and save time by using technology in the classroom. This isn’t a topic that should even be discussed anymore. The world is moving toward technology and we as educators need to acknowledge that and prepare the students for the future.                                                  
                                                                 This is our future lets embrace it.