An administrator must continuously work on how to increase achievement and productivity.
If the leader of the school is technologically advanced then they will have the knowledge to lead the school forward. They will be able to implement technology in the school so that student achievement rises. Teachers will be held accountable for using technology in the classroom as a learning tool and as a line of communication. The community will feel more involved because they can check in on the school through the updated website, blog or any other avenue the principal uses to keep the public informed. It is an administrator’s job to lead the school forward.
Utilizing technology can also help productivity. Administrators who are current with technology will know applications that will save them time daily. They can use igoogle, surveymonkey or several other sites that are timesavers. As a leader it is extremely important to stay informed. An administrator already has enough to do they should take advantage of the tools that are out there. This will help them save time and focus on more important things.
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