
Powerpoint Substitutes

PowerPoint shows are great to use during staff meetings, after school events or during a professional development day. However, I like some of the new PowerPoint type of programs I have learned about. Prezi would have to be my favorite. It is important when showing a PowerPoint that the audience is interested and that the show is eye pleasing. Prezi has a neat way of sharing information while using both pictures and words. You can demonstrate what the big idea is an literally focus in on all of the smaller components that make up the big idea.

Animoto is an extremely user friendly site where you can use photos from the school to create a slide show for a special event. You can also add music to this slideshow which can help emphasize feeling.

It would depend on what the show is for and what an administrator is trying to get across. I would use Animoto for after school happenings or to display on the schools website. Prezi could be used for these as well but I would probably use Prezi slideshows more during a meeting. It is important for administrators to pick the appropriate slideshow for the occasion.

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